Tag,en: Slowpitch

Results from the weekend

Saturday our slow pitchers were active with a home tournament:
Aichelberg Indians – Kornwestheim Woodpeckers 1:39
Kornwestheim Woodpeckers – Nagold Mohawks 32:13
Nagold Mohawks – Aichelberg Indians 30:11

Here is the current standings:

Sunday The students were first active with the end of the season against Herrenberg in Mohawks Park.
Spiel 1 – Comeback-Walkoff-Win – 13:12
Spiel 2 – 11:2

The men then had their turn in the relegation duel against Ladenburg. In a very exciting game until you look it up in 9. The Mohawks were open at the end of the inning 8:9 Lost runs.

Successful teams at the indoor tournament 2023 in Ulm

Erfolgreiches 🥎⚾Wochenende bei den Indoor-Meisterschaften in Ulm.

Mit drei Teams waren am vergangenen Samstag und Sonntag die Mohawks in Ulm angetreten.

Samstags erreichte das quasi neue Team in seiner Indoor-Premiere einen hervorragenden 4. Space.

Sonntags war der Mohawks-Nachwuchs mit einem T-Ball- und einer Schülermannschaft vertreten.

Auch hier waren es Premieren für unsere Teams. Die T-Baller konnten einen tollen 3. Platz feiern und die Schüler einen sensationellen 6. Platz belegen.

Wir sind stolz auf alle Teams und Danken den Coaches, Helfern und Eltern, die dieses Turnier tatkräftig unterstützt haben.

Slowpitcher beim Rusty Cup 2022

Yesterday, Saturday, our BBQ team was invited to the Rusty Cup by the Reds in Stuttgart.

With perfect weather and high spirits, our BBQ'ers competed against the Shit-Happens teams, among others, Aalen Strikers, Karlsruhe Cougars and the host team the Reds.

Already in the first game you could see that our BBQ team is still quite inexperienced in slow pitching. Which didn't detract from the fun and enjoyment of the game.
As a result, the games were taken as they came and showed that they had fun with good actions.

In the end, the performance was unfortunately not enough to do better in the ranking. Our BBQ team thus took last place in the Rusty Cup.

Erfolgreiche BBQ-Softballer bei Indoor-Meisterschaften in Ulm

Almost traditionally, the BBQ softball team of Nagold Mohawks is represented at the Baden-Württemberg Indoor Championships in Ulm-Wiblingen,,de,After the title in,,de,Of course, this year's participation was mandatory,,de,And as the reigning champion you wanted to try to defend the title, of course,,de,In the group stage could celebrate with three wins and one defeat also equal to the semi-finals,,de. Nach dem Titel in 2017 war die diesjährige Teilnahme natürlich Pflicht.

Und als amtierender Meister wollte man versuchen den Titel natürlich zu verteidigen. In der Gruppenphase konnten mit drei Siegen und einer Niederlage auch gleich den Einzug ins Halbfinale feiern. There they met the Shit Happens reloaded from Sindelfingen who did not give the Mohawks a chance on that day,,de,In the small final then the opponent was again Sindelfingen,,de,However, with the second Shit Happens team,,de,The nagolders could just about decide on the exciting game,,de,After the vice-championship in,,de,the title in,,de,was now the trophy collection with the,,de,Place complete this year,,de,For the Mohawks have started,,de,Jana Häfele,,en,Laura Meusel,,en,Katharina Schulz,,de,Patrick Obermeier,,de,Patrick Seitz,,en,Frieder Pfeifle,,de.

Im kleinen Finale war dann der Gegner wieder Sindelfingen, allerdings mit der zweiten Shit Happens-Mannschaft. Das spannende Spiel konnten die Nagolder knapp für sich entscheiden.

Nach der Vize-Meisterschaft in 2016, dem Titel in 2017 war nun die Trophäensammlung mit dem 3. Platz in diesem Jahr komplett.

Für die Mohawks angetreten sind:
Jana Häfele, Laura Meusel, Katharina Schulz, Patrick Obermeier, Patrick Seitz, Simon Mohr, Frieder Pfeifle, Frieder Häfele and Marc Meusel,,de,Successful BBQ softball players at indoor championships in Ulm,,de.