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Wasserschaden wird teurer als erwartet

Traurig aber wahr … Mohawks bleiben auf dem Wasserschaden im Vereinsheim sitzen

Mittlerweile liegen die Zahlen und Fakten auf dem Tisch – der am 03.02.2017 festgestellte Wasserschaden im Vereinsheim der Nagold Mohawks auf dem Eisberg wird zum Großteil zu Kosten des Vereins gehen.
Die geschätzte Schadenssumme von 15.000€ (darunter die Kosten für die Trockenlegung, Kücheneinrichtung und sonstiges elektronisches Gerät sowie Baseball-Equipment) wird nur zum Bruchteil von der Versicherung gedeckt. Nicht eingerechnet die vielen Arbeitsstunden, die die Mitglieder über Jahre investiert haben.

Diese Gewissheit kommt zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem sich der Verein auf die sportliche und finanzielle Aufgabe 2. Bundesliga konzentrieren wollte. Der Wiederaufbau des Vereinsheims reißt somit ein größeres finanzielles Loch in die Vereinskasse als ursprünglich erwartet. Weiterhin werden ab 2018/2019 auch bauliche Maßnahmen erforderlich, um den Spielbetrieb in der 2. Bundesliga lizenzgerecht zu gestalten.

Am vergangenen Wochenende haben wir auf dem Nagolder Weihnachtsmarkt einen Spendenaufruf gestartet.

Natürlich freuen wir uns auch darüber hinaus über Spenden (gerne mit Spendenbescheinigung).

Unter dem Stichwort „Wasserschaden“ dürfen Spenden auf das Konto der Nagold Mohawks überwiesen werden.
IBAN: DE93 6665 0085 0007 9996 66
Bank: Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw

Für weitergehende Rückfragen stehen wir natürlich gerne zur Verfügung.

Wir sagen schon jetzt vielen Dank und wünschen eine besinnliche Vorweihnachtszeit.

Mannschaft des Jahres – Sportlerwahl 2017 im Kreis Calw

Die Herren der Nagold Mohawks sind als Mannschaft des Jahres im Kreis Calw nominiert.

Mit Ihrer Leistung im BWBSV-Pokalfinale gegen die Bundesligisten aus Stuttgart haben sie Vereinsgeschichte geschrieben.

Wählt unsere Mannschaft und helft im Kreis Calw den Baseballsport in die Öffentlichkeit zu tragen.
To 09. June 2017 ist die Abstimmung möglich.


The senior team of the Nagold Mohawks is nominated as team of the year in the region Calw.

The team wrote club history with their performance in the BWBSV cup final against the Bundesliga team of Stuttgart.

Choose our team and help to represent the baseball sport in the region of Calw.
The vote is possible until 9th of June 2017.

Neue Saison beginnt – Homepage im neuen Design

On Saturday,,de,time has come,,de,the boys of summer are back,,en,Season start at the Base Shooting from Nagold stands at,,de,It starts to Stuttgart with youth,,de,Will follow the Association league baseball player to,,de,Am against the newly promoted from the division Stuttgart,,de,also abroad,,de,The Eröffnugnswochenende decides the district league team SG Nagold / Herrenberg on Sunday with the away game against Ulm,,de,After a long preparatory phase in the hall, the teams are hot on the outdoor season,,de,Messrs,,de, the 22.04.2017 ist es soweit – the boys of summer are back – Saisonstart bei den Baseballern aus Nagold steht an.

Los geht es mit der Jugend in Stuttgart um 11 Clock.
Folgen werden die Verbandsliga-Baseballer um 15 Uhr gegen den Aufsteiger aus der Landesliga Stuttgart 3 ebenfalls auswärts.
Das Eröffnugnswochenende beschließt die Bezirksliga-Mannschaft der SG Nagold/Herrenberg am Sonntag mit dem Auswärtsspiel gegen Ulm 2 a 15 Clock.

Nach einer langen Vorbereitungsphase in der Halle sind die Mannschaften heiß auf die Freiluftsaison.
Die Herren, which have been well established in the Association League meet this year at Freiburg,,de,Sindelfingen and Stuttgart,,de,After the performance of last season you want to settle in the upper third of the table and provide for one or the other Sensation,,de,The newly formed district league team along with Mr. Berg is with opponents Aichelberg,,de,Ravensburg and Ulm,,de,especially for beginners serve first game experience and practice to collect,,de, Gammertingen, Göppingen, Mannheim, Neuchâtel, Sindelfingen und Stuttgart. Nach der Leistung der letzten Saison will man sich im oberen Tabellendrittel festsetzen und für die ein oder andere Sensation sorgen.

Die neugegründete Bezirksliga-Mannschaft zusammen mit Herrenberg wird mit Gegnern aus Aichelberg, Gammertingen 2, Ravensburg und Ulm 2 vorallem für die Einsteiger dienen um erste Spielerfahrung und -praxis zu sammeln.

The youth is expected to continue in a strong environment against clubs from Gammertingen,,de,and Villingendorf stabilize and make the two SG teams Nagold and Mr. Berg fit with the youth for the future,,de,the Nagold go for the new season Mohawks with a new homepage design to the start,,de,The new layout is adapted to the current requirements,,de,Tagged mobile devices,,de,Handy,,en,Tablet,,en,and provides one or the other new function,,de, Sindelfingen, Stuttgart 2 und Villingendorf stabilisieren und die beiden SG Vereine Nagold und Herrenberg mit der Jugendarbeit für die Zukunft fit machen.


Zur neuen Saison gehen die Nagold Mohawks mit einem neuen Homepage-Design an den Start. Das neue Layout ist an die heutigen Anforderungen angepasst – Stichwort mobile Geräte (Handy, Tablet) – und bietet die ein oder andere neue Funktion.

Those in charge hope you enjoy discovering and surfing and would be happy to receive suggestions or tips,,de,Uses this contact form,,de,New season begins,,de,Homepage in a new design,,de. Nutzt hierzu das Kontaktformular.

AGM 2017

Dear club members,

We hereby invite you to the Annual General Meeting 2017 very much a.

The Assembly finds
on Saturday, the 04.03.2017 a 15.00 Am in high Wasen (Sportheim Emmingen)
Address: At high Wasen 5, 72202 Nagold-Emmingen
instead of.

Parents and friends are cordially invited to this. To vollzähliges appearance is requested.

Katharina Schulz can not carry on their duties as treasurer for personal reasons. We would like
ask you hereby, that your you is concerned about possible candidates.

1. Welcome by the 1. Chairman
2. Feststellung der Beschlussfähigkeit
3. Genehmigung des letzten Protokolls
4. Bericht des Vorstands
5. Bericht des Kassenwarts und Ankündigung SEPA-Lastschriften
6. Bericht der Kassenprüfer
7. Entlastung des Vorstandes
8. Bericht und Rückblick der Coaches
9. Choice of treasurer
10. Honours
11. Anträge
12. Verschiedenes

Anträge sind bis spätestens 26.02.2017 schriftlich beim 1. Vorsitzenden einzureichen.

Sollte die Mitgliederversammlung mangels Anwesenheit von mindestens der Hälfte aller stimmberechtigten Mitglieder nach § 11.6 Satz 1 der Satzung beschlussunfähig sein, so wird hiermit zu einer zweiten Mitgliederversammlung direkt im Anschluss an die ursprüngliche Versammlung und mit identischer Tagesordnung geladen, die dann nach § 11.6 Satz 3 of the Statute irrespective of the number of
Members present shall constitute a quorum.


Invitation in Facebook

School sports of a different kind at the base of Ballern Nagold Mohawks

Baseball in school sports is not - is still - and in the cooperation of days Nagold Mohawks and Christiane Herzog Realschule Nagold (CHR). The now second edition was played on 20. and 21. July 2016 on the grounds of Nagold Mohawks held on the Iceberg.

Under the organization of CHR Teacher Jürgen Binder and Mohawks Board chairman Simon Mohr were over the two days 150 Boys and girls learn the basic skills of the typical American popular Sports. The sporting management of school sport this took over the coach and players of baseball federation league team of Nagold Mohawks.

In small groups, the versatility of the sport was - running and throwing, Catching and Hitting - declared and implemented. The sometimes much training and practice is required, exercise to the technically demanding sport, noticed the pupils quickly. But all were there with joy and realized not how fast time in the tight schedule passed.

Also, the teaching staff of the classes present found only positive words. Estimates CHR-organizer and sports instructor Jürgen Binder: "I myself could be twice with classes there and was able to kind of the, convince competent and dedicated baseball players. It was nice, that greeted me former CHR students on site and I was able to experience the career. "

The Nagold Mohawks themselves are celebrating their 20th anniversary and wish to draw attention to themselves with such collaborations course, but arouse interest especially for the run in Germany Randsportart. Executive Simon Mohr: "For the club it is a matter of course, local schools and public facilities, but also companies e.g.. as a team building event, the opportunity to offer, meet an exceptional sport ".

Of course, the Nagold want Mohawks, that after these two days some of the boys and girls or often and regularly Baseball. want to play softball. The youth work since the beginning of the main priorities in the team and we look today play mostly self-trained players in Baden-Württemberg top flight in the men's team. And it those responsible are naturally proud in Nagold Mohawks.

And so is no wonder, that you also want to hold on both sides of the future of this cooperation.

Cooperation in the youth field with Mr. Berg Wanderers

The major goal of a sports club youth development program operates is, that all players in their age group and their sport (Softball / Baseball) can play. Since baseball and softball is not just the mass sports in Germany, this is often difficult to implement.

For this reason, the Nagold Mohawks have decided together with Mr. Berg Wanderers to cooperation in the youth field. Thus junior teams in 2015 go into playing, the equally consist of Nagolder and Mr. Berger Players.

The following teams have been for the season 2015 reported:

  • Baseball student (Boys and girls; Year 2011-2003)
  • Softball Youth (Girl; Year 2010-1999)
  • Baseball Junior (Boys and girls; Year 2002-1997)

In order to get to know better, load both teams for the first common parent evening on

Friday, the 6. February 2015 a 17:30 Clock at the RAMADA Hotel in Herrenberg

an. Here, important information can be exchanged, as well as your questions are answered (Training schedule, Home Venues, Shirts, and so on.).

A first joint training of teams is on

The. 7. February 2015 of 15 to 18 Clock Iceberg in the sports hall (ING-Park, besides baseball field)

held in Nagold.

Interested parents, young male and female players are allowed to arrange our youth coaches Patrick Seitz and Simon Mohr (jugend@nagold-mohawks.de) report. They are happy to answer questions.

Cooperation Days of Nagold Mohawks and Christiane Herzog Realschule Nagold a great success

"Baseball - takes too long, is boring and you just stand around "- this statement can be heard in many places if you ask clueless to this sport. If asked, the students of the two-day school sports action the Nagoldtalsperre Mohawks at the Christiane-Herzog-Realschule Nagold (CHR), they would choose another description.

Ekes out a niche Although baseball in Germany, world it is ranked three of the most played sports! Surely this is because of the versatility of sport: Running and throwing, Hitting and catching, Eye-hand coordination and tactical understanding. All this is important and makes baseball a sport, the demands everything from players. And of all these aspects trains optimally.

The Nagolder Baseball- and softball club Nagold Mohawks would like to draw attention to the sport, no – on their sport, since the 1996 successfully played in Nagold. With teams, for boys and girls - from young to old, be every summer exciting games and tournaments contested on the iceberg in the Mohawk Park. And the club life rarely comes here too short.

For the club to Executive Simon Mohr it is therefore a matter of course, local schools and public facilities, but also companies e.g.. as a team building event, the opportunity to offer, get to know an extraordinary sport.

The request was school sport lessons briefly to complement the sport by Mr. Binder, Sport teacher at the CHR, therefore gladly accepted and so the physical education was last Wednesday and Thursday in six grades from fifth to eighth class inherited from the Base Shooting.

Under the guidance of club coach Marc Meusel, Mohr and Simon Marius Nöther together with the players of the federation league baseball player Frieder Häfele, Alexander Kwiring and Robert Plank horn were sent the boys and girls in the diverse techniques of baseball sport. At the end of each hour was a sports game with diced together teams. With a lot of ambition and eagerness of everyone was fighting for the points. But in baseball does not depend on individual talent or individual techniques - only those who master all the techniques and can boast a team is successful in baseball.

The opinion of the ultimately almost 150 Boys and girls was clearly: "Fun was!“, "Pretty exhausting!"And" May we again?"Resounded from the Iceberg sports hall. And the teachers? The were allowed to try and realized how technically demanding sport is. The versatility has aroused the interest and you do not want to have played baseball for the last time in school sports at the Christiane Herzog Secondary School.

At the end of the Nagold Mohawks remains the knowledge, again that many children were excited and hopefully the spark has jumped, frequently and regularly play baseball. Not without reason build the Mohawks on their youth work, who have made the past achievements only possible.

The Nagold Mohawks offer within the Nagolder Winter Magic 2014 next Sunday, the 29. November from 10 to 17 Clock taster training in Halle an iceberg. For this purpose, any interested party is invited, happy even for a few hours. More information is available on the Internet www.nagold-mohawks.de to find.

Nagold Mohawks support successful opening weekend of the wheel center Nagold

The Nagold Mohawks were last weekend with the mobile shock tunnel of BWBSV in the very successful opening of the wheel center there and was one of the most sought-up stations in the category of fun and adventure.

For the best spring weather were big and small, Young and old try at bat and there was no, who has not hit the ball. To experience baseball and softball as close, was for many the first time and yet many participants slumbered secret talents.

This talent must be like to live in the different teams the Nagoldtalsperre Mohawks. Children and young people up to 16 Years, Women from 16 Years, Men from 16 Years or recreational athletes to 99 Years are welcome to attend the training the Nagoldtalsperre Mohawks.